There are two types of meniscus tear surgery. One of these surgeries is the repair surgery of the torn meniscus, and the second is the closed partial meniscectomy surgery, which is the surgery to remove the tear that cannot be repaired. Partial meniscectomy is a preferred surgery for meniscus tears that cannot be repaired.
In partial meniscectomy surgery, only the damaged meniscus tissue is removed, while the healthy meniscus parts are preserved and left within the knee joint. In this way, the shock absorbing function of the knee is preserved as much as possible.
What is Partial Meniscectomy and What Does It Mean?
Partial means incomplete, partial. Meniscectomy means removal of the meniscus. Partial meniscectomy means partial removal of the meniscus in the knee joint.

Which Meniscus Tear Requires Surgery?
Not every meniscus tear may require surgery, even if it is seen on MRI images. However, if there are mechanical findings such as locking, catching, and if knee pain caused by a meniscus tear lasts more than 3 months, I can say that you are a candidate for meniscus surgery.
Partial meniscectomy may not benefit the patient sufficiently, especially over the age of 50, unless the tear is a large tear like a bucket handle or flap. The reason for this is mostly cartilage problems accompanying the knee joint, muscle weakness around the knee, especially where quadriceps muscle weakness is at the forefront, and excess weight.
How is Closed Meniscus Surgery Performed?
Partial Meniscectomy Surgery is the procedure of removing torn meniscus pieces that cause symptoms such as pain, swelling and catching in the knee joint and that cannot be repaired with stitches.
It is performed through two small (1.5-2 cm) incisions in front of the knee. The arthroscopy camera is placed through one incision, and the surgical instrument with which we will perform the procedure is placed through the other incision into the knee. During this procedure, it is important to remove enough meniscus tissue to relieve the symptoms of the tear, but not enough to cause cartilage damage that may occur in the future.

Who Can Get Partial Meniscectomy?
Partial meniscectomy is primarily performed in cases where it is certain that the knee pain is caused by the tear seen on MRI images, and especially in cases where the meniscus tear is beyond repair, but does not require the entire meniscus to be removed.
How Long Does Closed Meniscus Surgery Take?
Closed meniscus surgery takes approximately 10-20 minutes if the tear is to be removed and not repaired. If it is to be repaired, this takes approximately 30-45 minutes.
Can a Meniscus Tear Heal?
Not every meniscus tear heals on its own. The type and size of the tear varies depending on its effects on the kneecap and cartilage structure .
Small tears can sometimes be treated nonsurgically and with proper physical therapy , but for severe tears, arthroscopic surgery or closed meniscus surgery may be necessary.
MRI is very important for early diagnosis. If left untreated, the tear can progress and cause problems such as chronic knee pain . Patients need to start the right treatment in a timely manner to maintain knee health and quickly return to their daily activities.
Post Meniscectomy Rehabilitation - Recovery Time
Partial meniscectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed arthroscopically. During surgery, a small camera is inserted into the knee joint and the torn meniscus tissue is removed. This procedure usually takes a short time and the patient can be discharged the same day. The patient can walk on it without needing any support such as crutches. Isometric quadriceps exercises such as straight leg raises and frequent releases are started immediately after surgery.
Patients may usually need to take a short-term physical therapy program after surgery. Although recovery time varies from person to person, most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks after surgery.
Early mobilization accelerates the healing process and preserves joint health .
Period | Treatment and Exercises to be Performed |
First 48 Hours | Apply ice, rest, keep the leg elevated |
Week 1 | Light exercises, knee flexion and extension exercises |
2-4 Weeks | Walking exercises, balance exercises, physical therapy sessions |
5-6 Weeks | Return to active sports activities, endurance exercises |
Post Meniscectomy Rehabilitation - Recovery Time
What Happens When the Meniscus is Removed?
Removing a portion of the meniscus can affect the stability and mechanical function of the knee. The extent of this effect depends on the amount of meniscus that has to be removed and which meniscus is operated on.
We know that most medial meniscus tears do not cause any problems for many years after partial meniscectomy surgery, but if there is too much meniscus tissue to be removed in the surgery for an external meniscus tear, early joint cartilage wear may occur.
On the other hand, if the torn meniscus piece shows symptoms such as pain, catching, there is a possibility that it will turn into a larger tear. In addition, the torn meniscus piece does not have a shock absorbing function. However, partial meniscectomy surgery is still necessary for tears that only show symptoms.
Those Who Had Closed Meniscus Surgery
Patient experiences are very valuable for those who want to learn about closed meniscus surgery . Comments are a guide in understanding the pre- and post-treatment processes. The feedback given by patients, especially about procedures such as arthroscopic surgery , allows the right decisions to be made.
As Utku Erdem Özer, I strive to provide the best treatment methods to my patients. The comments I receive after successfully performing meniscus surgeries show the importance given to my experience and patient satisfaction. Here are some patient comments:
“After my meniscus surgery, I recovered quickly and regained my former mobility.”
“The surgery process was easier than I expected, my doctor was very attentive.”
“Thanks to Mr. Utku, I returned to my sports life, I thank him.”
Closed Meniscus Surgery Price
Closed meniscus surgery prices may vary depending on the technique used and the patient's needs. The type of anesthesia applied, general or local anesthesia, also affects the price. In addition, the need for physical therapy after surgery should also be considered in cost planning.
You can contact our clinic for detailed price information and personal treatment plan and learn the most suitable treatment method for you. We are always with you for a correct and effective treatment.
Closed meniscus surgery and partial meniscectomy are effective treatment methods, especially for irreparable meniscus tears . In these surgeries, only the damaged meniscus tissue is removed, while healthy tissue is preserved. In this way, the knee joint can maintain its shock-absorbing function. With proper rehabilitation and early mobilization after surgery, patients recover quickly and can return to their daily lives.
Not every meniscus tear requires surgery. However, if there are long-term pain, mechanical problems such as catching and locking, treatment is inevitable. Thanks to this procedure performed with arthroscopic surgery , patients usually get back on their feet in a short time. They can walk without the need for crutches.
You can contact us for detailed information and treatment options. It is important to take the right step at the right time for a healthy joint structure and long-term joint health.
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