What is Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome?
Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome is a general, umbrella term used to describe painful conditions around the greater trochanter, which is a bony prominence on the outside of the hip joint characterized by pain and tenderness.
The pain in Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome can be caused by problems with the gluteal tendons, inflammation of the bursae structures in this area (bursitis), or sometimes from tension in the IT band (iliotibial band).
What are the Symptoms of Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome?
Pain: The most common symptom of greater trochanter pain syndrome is pain in the outer part of the hip joint around the greater trochanter, a bony structure. The pain usually increases after daily activities and sporting events. It also increases with pressure applied to this area. Most patients report difficulty sleeping on this area at night.
Limping: More commonly seen in problems with the gluteal medius minimus tendon.
Who is more likely to experience Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome?
It is more commonly seen in women between the ages of 40-60. This is thought to be due to women having relatively wider pelvic bones.
How is the diagnosis of Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome made?
There is no standard method for diagnosing greater trochanter pain syndrome. Patients with pain complaints on the outer side of the hip are evaluated in detail. By reviewing the diseases of this region in differential diagnosis, the diagnosis is made with ultrasound and MRI imaging methods.
Finding the cause of greater trochanter pain syndrome is not easy in most patients. Most patients have a dysfunction in the lower extremity biomechanics. A decrease in flexibility and shortening of the IT band, the trochanteric bursitis, disease of the Gluteus medius-minimus tendon (tendinosis), or the tears of these tendons are thought to be due to increased friction in the trochanteric region caused by increased friction in the trochanteric region.
How is the Treatment of Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome?
The treatment of greater trochanter pain syndrome is possible with the treatment of the underlying cause.
If the problem is trochanteric bursitis, it can be easily cured with 1 or 2 cortisone injections accompanied by ultrasound. If you want to obtain detailed information on trochanteric bursitis treatment, you can click on this link:
If the problem is due to a tear in the gluteus medius tendon and the tear is large enough to cause the patient to limp while walking, the treatment is definitely surgery. Repair of gluteus medius tendon tears is possible with arthroscopic surgery. If you want to obtain detailed information on the treatment of gluteus medius tears, you can click on this link:
However, in some patients, pain occurs due to disrupted biomechanics. The most common cause of disrupted biomechanics is a short and tight IT band. If sufficient stretching is not done after sporting activities, the IT band will shorten over time and begin to cause problems in the knee and, less frequently, in the hip area. This problem can be completely eliminated with physical therapy and functional strength exercises.